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Buford, Bob.2001. Stuck in Halftime: Reinventing Your One and Only Life. Grand Rapids. MI: Zondervan


Section One
Stuck in Halftime

1. Beyond Good Intentions

From success to significance

“The best Halftime outcomes are those where people have begun a parallel career years earlier.”p.26

2. Stuck is Good

“One of the benefits of getting stuck in Halftime is that it forces you to ask more questions; to dig deeper into what you are looking for and how to find it. It can compel you to get serious about knowing who you designed to be and discovering how to live closer to who you really are.”p.32

“Author Mihlay Csikszentmihalyi has conducted landmark studies on what makes people happy (see his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience). One of the things he has learned from years of research on the subject is that leisure and “free time” is not what make us happy or content. Real happiness comes when we have a specific goal and are engaged in meeting that goal. If we lose sight of the goal, we drift back to boredom. If the goal is too big and unattainable, we give up. We are at our best when we are in that zone between anxiety and boredom. Csikszentmihalyi calls this the “flow zone”, and explains why within a year or two after their injuries, quadriplegics return to their original level of happiness – the same with lottery winners. We are wired to be engaged in meaningful activities most of our lives, and Halftime is a deliberate and strategic effort to stay engaged but with the right things.”p.34-35

3. Detoxing from the Addiction to Success

“Success is addictive. Like a drug, it never completely satisfies. No matter how much you have, it is never enough.”p.38

“Ken Blanchard knew that it was time. Ken has known great success. The coauthor of several best-selling books, including The One Minute Manager, Ken has sold more than nine million books. He and his brilliant and attractive wife, Margie, began Blanchard Training and Development fifteen or so years ago and built it into one of he leading management organization in the world. He has made a life of speaking to big (and admiring) audiences all over the country. He writes books that are always in demand. He leads satellite-delivered teleconferences all over the world. Ken and Margie are riding a wonderful wave of success that feels like it could go on forever, and it has been a great ride.

Ken is sixty…A few years ago he began hearing that still, small voice in his inner life. A wise man, Ken listened. He sensed that despite all that he had accomplished, there was something more. Just out of his reach, and it had nothing to do with growing his business bigger. He knew what he wanted to do, but first, he says, he had to admit he had an addiction problem. He needed to detox from success. He needed to free himself from its power.”p.40-41

“Planned abandonment” (Peter Drucker)

4. The False Paths of Halftime

From somebody to nobody.

Two false paths that faces us in midlife.
(1) one that leads us back home and status quo (the homestead)
(2) promises leisure (leisure world)

5. The Myths of Halftime
Ø The Peter Pan Myth (I’ll be young forever)
Ø The Leisure World Myth
Ø The Gatsby Myth (need to impress, need to maintain an illusion)
Ø The Former Great Person Myth (Me. Used-to-be)
Ø The Harper Lee Myth (cannot top what you have achieved)

“Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird- and not a word since. Those close to her say she was afraid to attempt another book. Her inability to live up to that “one shining moment” lead to an obscure life almost completely absent from literary circles.

Ralph Ellison is another example. He remained frozen on the trigger after the huge success of The Invisible man. Forty years and not another book, though one was always in the works. His publisher has just brought out his “partially complete” work as a posthumorous published novel”p.64-65

Ø The Money Myth (all you need is enough money and you can do what you want to do. But then, how much s enough?)
Ø The Solomon Myth (lifelong self improvement plan)
Ø The Low Commitment Myth (frittering yourself away)
Ø The Aging Myth (you are to old)

“The great humanitarian, Albert Schweitzer, could have said that after a distinguished career in medicine. But the first atomic explosion triggered a passion for peace that began when he turned seventy and led to being awarded the Nobel Prize in 1952. He traveled to Europe frequently to lecture until he was eighty-four and actively cared for patients in his hospital in Gabon. At eighty-seven he helped build a half-mile of road near his hospital and then designed and helped construct a bridge.”p.69

Section Two
Into the Second Half

6. The Twenty-first Century: A World of Opportunity

A.O.L. factors affected your Second Half.


“In 1884, German chancellor Otto von Bismark arbitrarily set the age fore retirement at sixty-five, thus inventing the Social Security pension system. It was one of those safe benefits for he government to offer, since few people lived that long. In 1900, the life expectancy for men was around forty-six years.”p.78

7. New Rules for the Second Half

Ø Begin with yourself
o “The best way to get at this is simply ask yourself some questions and answer them honestly. Questions like” What do I believe? What am I most passionate about? What would I really like to be doing if I could? What challenge me more than anything I’ve ever done before? What has my whole life up to now prepared me to do?”p.87
o www.Halftime.org uses a tool called G.R.A.S.P.
§ Grounding
§ Roles
§ Abilities
§ Spiritual gifts
§ Passions

Ø Take care of family first
Ø Find an organizational vehicle that fits your team
Ø Build on islands of health and strength
Ø Just do it
Ø Work only with the receptive
Ø Pay your dues
Ø All work is done in teams
Ø Find a mentor

8. The Halftime transition Toolbox

Ø Money
o “When the famous union boos, John L. Lewis, was asked how much was enough, he answered, “More.”p.95
o Low-cost probes (trying the ministry out first before you quit your job)
o Parallel career
o More with less (frugal lifestyle)
Ø Time (Strategic Coach program by Dan Sullivan)
o Focus days (doing)
o Buffer days (planning, training, thinking)
o Free days (Sabbath rest)
Ø What’s in the Box?
Ø Self-assessment
o Don’t’ follow OPA (other people’s agenda)
o Peter Drucker, “Managing Oneself” www.corpedia.com

Ø A Brand New BHAG
o Jim Collins Big Hairy Audacious Goal- a problem so large that it cannot be solved in one corporate leader’s tenure but must to extend into the future.
Ø The Opportunity Scan
Ø Strategic Planning
Ø Build a Halftime Team
o Buford model
§ Board of directors who meet once only to sound out new ideas-sanity check
§ Regularly meet a board of directors for his organization, Send Half enterprises, Leadership Network and Buford Foundation
§ List of top twenty relationships that can contribute something useful on what his current project
§ Farm Club- twenty individuals with whom he has close relationship infrequently
Ø Find Your Role
o The hero
o The hero’ partner
o The hero’s patron
o The hero’s exert
o The hero’s team

Section Three
The Inspiration of Significance

9. The Elusive Nature of Significance
Ø Meaning is not something you stumble across, like the answer is a riddle or the prize in a reassure hunt. Meaning is something you build into you life. You built it out of your own past, out of your affections and loyalties, out of the experience of humankind as it is passed on to you, out of your talent and understanding, out of the things you believe in, out of the values for which you are willing to sacrifice something. The ingredients are there. You are the only one who can put them together into that unique pattern that will be your life. Let it be a life that has dignity and meaning for you. If it does, then the particular balance of success or failure is of less account.

Extracted from “The Road to Renewal,” a speech given by John Gardner in April 1993
Ø “Significance isn’t about success or failure. It’s about meaning”p.117

10. Leading Level 5 Lives
Ø Jim Collins’ Level 5 Executive
o They were totally sold out to the work they are doing’ Their ambitions for the work they are doing is unbounded.
o Each has a “very deep personal humility”

11. The Need for a Heroic Second Half
“Everyone wants to be a hero. And once we recognize this, it will help us to progress on our journey into the Second half.”p.130-131

12. What Do You Want to Be Remembered For?


“I want to be remembered as a high-yield/right-now philanthropist and kingdom entrepreneur.”p.137

13. The End of the Beginning

|15 July 2006|


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