Father Jean-Pierrede Caussade





Alex Tang



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Father Jean-Pierrede Caussade’s Prayer for

 the Blessed State of Self-Abandonment



O my God! When will it please thee to grant me the favour of living always in that union of my will with thy heavenly will? Where saying nothing all is said and all is done by leaving all to thee; where we achieve much by surrendering even more to thy will and yet are relieved of all toil since we place everything in thy care and are concerned only to trust wholly in thee.


Blessed state, which, even in the absence of any conscious faith, offers the soul an inward and entirely spiritual disposition. So that, by the habitual inclination of my heart, I may constantly repeat: ‘Thy will be done!’ Yes, my God, yes to whatever may please thee.


May all thy holy wishes be fulfilled. I renounce mine, which are blind, perverse and corrupted by that despicable ego, the mortal enemy of thy grace, thy perfect love, thy glory and my sanctification.


"treat, heal, and comfort always"

 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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